AU - الوهابي، رشيد بن محمد AB - This research paper is intended to emphasize the evolution of the concept of educational relationships, which included the cognitive and applied activity of the teacher and the interactive relationship with the learner in face-to-face and online environments. the success of the teacher in these relations depends entirely on a basic and continuous training that builds their professional competence, self-evaluation and interpersonal experience with colleagues, the ability to empower learners with autonomous-learning, class and digital strategies to build knowledge, skills and values and to seek excellence in their studies and in their lives as well. This can be achieved with help of family support and follow-up. The challenge of opting for digitization in education in familiar or sudden contexts, such as crises, epidemics and pandemics, really mandates the formulation of a Pedagogic Reference or a Framework for Digital Education that scrutinizes the Pedagogic Model to be adopted, review Approaches and Appropriate School Methods and enables the upgrading of curricula, educational programs on the basis of content mitigation, step-by-step construction of learning and framing the production of digital material that would be used alongside a constant plan of training teachers and learners. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 134-157 T1 - العلاقات البيداغوجية في التعليمين الصّفي والرقمي : مدخلا لتأهيل المدرّس والمتعلّم [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1