AU - قاسم، مناضل عباس AB - هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بناء مقياس تقويم الأداء لأعضاء هيئة التدريس الجامعي من وجهة نظر الطلبة. والتعرف على الأكثر تشعبا عنده من منظور الطلبة في قسم اللغة الكوردية في كلية التربية بجامعة كرميان. وبلغ عدد العينة المستخدمة الدراسة من (200) طالب وطالبة من القسم المذكور للعام الدراسي 2017-2018. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة، بنى الباحث المقياس المطلوب وبعد عرضه على مجموعة من الخبراء لاستحصال مرافقاتهم والتثبت من صدق المقياس وثباته، وبعد ان أصبح المقياس جاهزا، وزعت الاستبانة على المفحوصين للكشف أكثر الكفاءات المفضلة من منظور الطلبة. اشتملت الاستبانة على (5) مجالات رئيسة تفرعت منها (68) فقرة لمجموع الكفاءات المهنية المستلزمة لأستاذ الجامعة من منظور طلبتهم. بعد تفريغ المعلومات ومعالجتها إحصائيا باستخراج وسطها المرجح ووزنها المئوي، أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن آراء الطلبة جميعها كانت بمستوى تفضيل مابين عالية جدا وعالية إلا في بعض الكفاءات فكانت درجة تفضيلها متوسطة. من ثم قام الباحث باقتراح مجموعة من التوصيات والمقترحات على ما توصل إليه من نتائج. (الملخص المنشور) AB - The methods that are used in teaching Kurdish language mostly depend on dictation and memorizing which means they deal with the low levels of scientific thinking that relates to memory, understanding, applying, analyzing, composition, and evaluation. Additionally, these methods depend entirely on the teacher who is regarded as the major source of presenting information to students which affects them negatively by the means of dictation and memorizing and then revealing what have been memorized on the day of the exam. In spite of the variety of teaching’s methods that proved its effectiveness in teaching and leading students to a significant mastery of the subject and this is what has been assured by most of the studying in this field. Therefore, this recent research aims to recognize the effect of fish bone strategy or Ishikawa in acquiring the scientific concepts in Kurdish language subject for fourth stage students of primary schools to check the null hypothesis ( there is no distinction with statistical significance at the level of significance 0,05 between average scores of variable group’s pupils who have been taught through Fishbone strategy in acquiring the scientific concepts of Kurdish language and the average scores of control group’s pupils who have been taught the same concepts through the traditional way of teaching . Therefore, the researcher chose the experimental designing with partial adjustment for both controlled and variable groups of post-test as an experimental design for this research. The researcher intentionally chose Shaheed Molazem Jwameer School for the experiment's purposes in the first semester of the academic year 2017-2018. The samples of this study include 75 pupils who were divided between two classes. In which one of them represents the variable group while the other represents the controlled one. Each group involved 35 pupils in which group A was chosen arbitrarily to study the scientific concepts using Fish bone strategy and so did group B but it uses the traditional way. Pupils were equalized regarding : chronological age, academic achievement in Kurdish language through the previous scores of the third grade , degree of intelligence and the educational achievement of parents . After the curriculum of Kurdish lesson was determined for fourth stage pupils, the researcher determined 30 main concepts within the same curriculum then the behavioral goals were formed over 3 levels of acquiring the concepts and they include: definition, distinction, and implementation. In which they increased to be 60 behavioral goals and he prepared typical teaching plans. After the experiment of the research was finished, a test application was submitted to test pupils’ acquiring of the scientific concepts of both variable and controlled groups. The researcher treated the statistical data using (t-test) for two independent samples and the results revealed that the pupils of the variable group who were taught using the Fish bone strategy have achieved a higher level of success than the pupils of the controlled group who have been taught using the traditional way have. As a result of this the researcher reached to number of deductions, recommendations, and suggestions related to teaching’s methods using Fish bone strategy. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 583-614 T1 - تقويم أداء أعضاء هيأة التدريس الجامعي وسبل تطويره من وجهة نظر طلبتهم في جامعة كرميان إقليم كوردستان - العراق [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1