AB - More prosperous countries with educated populations make for better trading partners for the U.S. USAID's education work focuses on improving the reading skills of children; strengthening youth workforce development and higher education; and expanding access to quality education in crisis and conflict environments. They partner to leverage resources and expertise, strengthen education systems and drive change so that children and youth can learn. This brief report discusses USAID's partnerships that build capacity, innovative solutions to development challenges, and opportunities for U.S. higher education institutions. It concludes with country highlights. (ERIC) http://search.shamaa.org/abstract_en.gif OP - 2 p. PB - Washington US Agency for International Development 2018 PP - Washington US Agency for International Development 2018 T1 - USAID Education : Higher Education [Report] UL - https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED591430.pdf Full text (PDF) 1 http://search.shamaa.org/fulltext.gif YR - Washington US Agency for International Development 2018