AU - جدوع، صبا لطيف AU - عبجل، منى خليفة AB - The following research aims at knowing the effect of (K.W.L.H) strategy on the achievement of second class intermediate school girl students at history. The researcher formulated the following null hypothesis: there is no statistical difference at level (0.05) at the mean achievement marks of the experimental group girl that study history using (K.W.L.H) strategy and the mean achievement marks of the controlling group that study history by the classic method in the pre and post- test. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has chosen an experimental design of a partial control for the girl students of the experimental and controlling groups. The researcher has chosen the secondary school of "Um Amara for girls " in the district of Al-Khalis / province of Diyala on purpose to carry out the test. It included three classes of the second stage and section -B- was chosen randomly to represent the girl students of the (K.W.L.H) strategy, whereas section -A- represented the girl students of the controlling group that studied in accordance to the classic method. The research sample included (75) girls after excluding the failures, with (37) girl students in the experimental group and (38) girl students in the controlling group. The researcher prepared appropriate teaching plans; (14) plans for the experimental and controlling groups and presented two of them to a group of experts in methods of teaching history and psychological and educational teaching who made some simple changes on the test. The researcher used the SPSS (version 16):t- test for two independent groups: k square, Pearson's coefficient correlation of the half separation, spearman – brown equation, calculating difficulty coefficient, the strength of preference for each item and the effectiveness of wrong choices. The researcher equalized certain variables like( the age of the girls under study calculated by months, the academic achievement of the parents, previous year marks of history for the first grade intermediate classes of the academic year 2014-2015 and intelligence test of Rafin's) and it was proved that there are no statistical difference between the two groups in these variables. The researcher herself taught these group in accordance to the content of the history book of the academic year 2015-2018 which included (14) topic within two courses. The researcher formulated (108) behavioral aims after presenting them to the group of experts to make the final changes required, to be (104) behavioral aims finally. The researched had used the post-achievement test which included (40) items of a multi-content test characterized by truth and stability as the experts of methods of teaching history stated. The post-achievement test was applied on Sunday 17/1/2016. This study reached to the following conclusions: 1) the excellence of the experimental group girl students that studied in accordance to the (K.W.L.H) strategy over the girl students of the controlling group that studied in accordance to the classical method in the achievement test. 2) The strategy of (K.W.L.H) has positive effects on increasing the level of achievement of the second stage intermediate school girl students at Islamic history more than the classic method. The researcher recommended the following: the necessity of using (K.W.L.H) strategy in teaching Islamic history for intermediate girl students as it proved its effectiveness. The researcher suggested the following: 1) conducting similar studies to know the effect of (K.W.L.H) strategy on other stages. 2) Conducting similar studies to the present one using other variables like the critical or the critical thinking. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 318-359 T1 - أثر استراتيجية الجدول الذاتي (K.W.L.H) في تحصيل طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة التاريخ [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1