AU - عصفور، إيمان حسنين AB - This study aimed at identifying the effect of a program in education by love based on principles the humanistic approach to develop moral intelligence and classroom communication skills among Philosophy and Sociology student teachers. To achieve this, a program in education through love based on the humanistic approach was prepared .In addition, tools of the study that included a Scale of Moral Intelligence, and a Classroom Communication Skills’ Observation Checklist were prepared by the researcher. The program was taught to the second year Philosophy and Sociology student teachers at the Girls’ College in Ein Shams. The tools were administered to them before and after teaching the program. The results of the study showed that the program in education by love based on principles of the humanistic approach was successful in developing moral intelligence and classroom communication skills among Philosophy and Sociology student teachers. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 15-68 T1 - برنامج في التربية بالحب قائم على مبادئ المدخل الإنساني لتنمية الذكاء الأخلاقي ومهارات التواصل الصفي لدى الطالبة المعلمة شعبة الفلسفة والاجتماع [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1