AU - مطر، عبد الفتاح رجب علي AB - The present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the program is based on the motor story to the reduction of stereotyped behavior, and Self- Injurious Behavior (SIB)in children with autism, and the sample consisted of (12) of pupils males in the program of Autism at the Institute of Intellectual Education Makah, ranging in age from (7.17-13.7) years, an average of (10.55), and a standard deviation of (2.19), ranging from IQ to have between (57-74), with an average of (67.41), and a standard deviation of (4.79),were divided into two groups, the first experimental (6) students, and the second control(6) students, and included tools : stereotyped behavior scale, and Self-Injurious Behavior scale, and motor stories program, all prepared by the researcher, and the results from reduced stereotyped behavior and stereotyped behavior have the experimental group after the application of the program compared to the control group, and the continuing positive impact of the program on the experimental group during the follow-up period. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 195-233 T1 - فعالية برنامج قائم على القصة الحركية في الحد من السلوك النمطي وسلوك إيذاء الذات لدى الأطفال التوحديين [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1