AU - الحجيج، سمية عودة حسين AU - ستراك، رياض بدري AU - درادكة، أمجد محمود محمد AU - عربيات، بشير محمد AB - The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the degree of participatory leadership of the principal of public schools in the governorate of Madaba and the degree of application institutional excellence from the point of view of the assistant principals and teachers. The study sample consisted of (338) students who were randomly selected from the study society. Two tools were used to collect the data. The first was to measure the practice of participatory leadership among the principals of the public schools and the other to measure the extent of applying the dimensions of institutional excellence. The authenticity and consistency of the instruments have been confirmed. The results showed that the degree of participatory leadership practice among public school principals was high, with an overall mean of 3.82, and that the extent of application of institutional excellence was medium with an average of 3.61. The results indicated that there is a strong and statistically significant relationship between the degree of participatory leadership practice among public school principals and the extent to which the dimensions of institutional excellence have been implemented and there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of participatory leadership due to gender, scientific qualification, years of service and specialization. By results, the study recommended the following: To hold training courses for teachers in order to encourage them to institutional excellence, increase financial allocations for schools to implement the dimensions of institutional excellence. (Author’s abstract) OP - أ-م، 109 ص. T1 - القيادة التشاركية لدى مديري المدارس الحكومية في محافظة مأدبا وعلاقتها بالتميز المؤسسي من وجهة نظر مساعدي المديرين والمعلمين [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1