AU - المخمري، مريم عبد الله راشد AU - الطنيجي، شيخة عبيد AU - إبراهيم، علي AU - عبد الدايم، محمد أحمد AB - This study aims to identify the educational problems encountered by teachers of public schools in the city of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates by answering the following research questions; (a) what problems are faced by teachers of public schools in the city of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates? (b)Are there significant differences in the problems faced by teachers of public schools in the city of Al Ain, regarding the variable of gender and educational cycle and years of experience? (c) How can we overcome the problems faced by teachers of public schools in the city of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates? To achieve the objectives of the study and answer the research questions, a questionnaire was prepared to identify the problems faced by teachers of public schools in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates; the questionnaire was designed after reviewing the related literature and previous studies. The questionnaire, quantitative research tool, consists of 43 items covering three main groups; problems related to students, problems related to the profession, and problems related to parents. The validity of the questionnaire was measured and approved by a panel of educational experts. The reliability and internal consistency of the tool was measured by calculating the coefficient Cronbach’s alpha after a pilot sampling of 27 participants. Cronbach’s alpha for the whole items of the tool is (0.89); it is (0.75) for items related to students; (0.82) for items related to the profession, and (0.88) for problems related to parents. The study population consisted of all teachers (4098) in schools of Al Ain educational Office for the academic year 2012-2013. (1100) teachers were sampled in a randomly stratified manner and the sample represents almost 19% of the study population. The study findings can be stated as follow; (a) the total score of the problems faced by teachers of public schools in Al Ain, was in a medium level, and its mean score was (1.75). Regarding the problems related to parents, the largest problems faced by teachers of public schools, ranked the first in a mid-degree and its mean score was (2.03). Lack of parent’s care in following up their children academically was the most common problem faced by teachers. The problem related to the profession ranked the second in a mid-degree and its score was (1.63). The low teacher’s salary compared to the salaries of other profession was considered one of the biggest problems teachers face related to the profession. While the problems related to students, respectively, ranked the third to a low degree and a mean score of (1.59). The student’s lack of motivation for learning is the biggest problem they face. There are significant differences of all the problems faced by teachers of public schools related to students, profession and parents due to the variance of gender. Male teachers are facing problems related to students and parents more than female teachers; whereas, female teachers face problems related to the profession more than male teachers do. There are significant differences of all the problems faced by teachers of public schools related to students, and parents due to the variable of educational cycle. The problems faced by teachers of public schools relating to students and their parents are varied according to the cycle. When moving to the next cycle the problems increase and vice versa. The problems mean scores are converging in the third cycle and joint schools. The results showed no significant differences in the problems faced by teachers in term of profession. There was no significant difference between problems faced by teachers of public schools and cycle related to the profession. (Author’s abstract) OP - I-VIII، 107 ص. T1 - بعض المشكلات التي يواجهها معلمو المدارس الحكومية بمدينة العين بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وكيفية التغلب عليها [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1