AU - Hussein, lawaheth M. T. AB - The present study aims at detecting the effect of social media "Snapchat" on the emergence of some negative social values (social hatred ) based on the perspectives of female students enrolling at Qassim University, College of Science and Arts at ArRass, the academic year 2015/2016. The researcher has utilized the Descriptive Method (survey and "differentiating"). The sample of the study consists of (200) students selected randomly from the scientific and Arts sections. To achieve the aims of the current study, the scale of social hatred has been designed, consisting of (30) items. The "reliability" and "validity" of the scale has been "verified." The results have shown, collectively, the agreement of the students that the use of social media "Snapchat" has led to the emergence of social hatred. The outcomes also shown that the overall extent to which the use of social media "Snapchat" plays a role in the emergence of social hatred values is mid, the weighted average of the overall "degrees" regards students responses to the items is (2.21), which is close to the minimum value of the effect criterion which equals (2.34). Moreover, the results shown that there are no static significance differences in the overall degree of the student's evaluation of the "Snapchat" effect on the social hatred aspects due to use hours, age and faculty, whereas the results shown that there are static significance differences for the favor of big age regards the evaluation of students to some effects of "Snapchat", and static significance differences due to type of college. (As Provided) OP - pp. 86-98 PB - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2016 PP - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2016 SN - 22221735 T1 - The effect of social network "Snapchat" on the emergence of some negative social values (Social Hatred) based on the perspectives of Qassim female students : a survey study [Article] UL - Full text (PDF) 1 YR - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2016