AU - دوابه، أحمد سعيد أحمد AU - أبو عودة، محمد فؤاد AU - عقل، مجدي سعيد AU - عبد المنعم، رانيا عبد الله AB - The study aimed to analyzing technology courses of secondary school in light of digital citizenship values and suggesting a proposal for their enrichment. The researcher used content analysis instrument to analyze technology courses of secondary school. The study sample consisted of all technology courses related to for secondary school in Palestine for the school year (2017-2018) totaling (3) courses. In order to achieve the study objectives, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The results of analyzing technology courses of secondary school in light of digital citizenship values revealed the following percentages: 1) Tenth grade: Decency domain (0.80%), education domain (0.18%), protection domain (0.2%). 2) Eleventh grade: Decency domain (67.12%), education domain (26.44%), protection domain (6.44%). 3) Twelfth grade: Decency domain (51.70%), education domain (36.93%), protection domain (11.36%). The most important recommendations of the study: 1) It is necessary to thoughtfully and gradually include digital citizenship values in general education curricula according to age category characteristics with a main focus on including it in the technology course. 2) Ministry of Education should adopt a consolidated policy for reasonable usage of digital technologies in educational institutions, taking into account a participatory formulation of its articles with responsible parties including educational administrations, teachers, parents, and students in a way that support the policy of digital citizenship. (Author's abstract) OP - أ-ش، 110 ص. T1 - تحليل مقررات التكنولوجيا للمرحلة الثانوية في ضوء قيم المواطنة الرقمية وتصور مقترح لإثرائها [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1