AU - عبد القادر، خنوش. AU - بن عتو، عدة AB - The current research aimed to study the reliability and validity in addition to the factorial structure of Pessimism Scale. Pessimism Scale was applied to a sample consisted of (221) students studying at the University of Oran, and students at middle school from different academic levels, after analyzing data the results showed that the Pessimism Scale has satisfactory psychometric indicators, emerged in the indicators of consistency extracted in this study, as also demonstrated in the study of the discriminate validity, and parallel analysis of Horn, which allowed the extraction of one factor. (Published Abstract) ID - 128368 OP - ص ص. 293-311 T1 - البناء العاملي الاستكشافي والتوكيدي لمقياس التشاؤم : دراسة سيكومترية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)