AU - أبو صيبة، منال خليل موسى AU - الحديدي، محمود AU - الوريكات، منصور أحمد AU - شحادة، فواز AB - This study aimed to identify the availability of life skills included in the text book of English for the sixth Basic grade in Amman, the capital and the degree of students' acquiring it, from their teachers ' point of view, and differences depending on the variables of gender, scientific qualification and years of experience the population of study and its sample from all pages of the text book of English for the sixth basic grade. Teachers of English had been chosen from three directorates from the capital Amman by the class random mental their number totaling 322 teachers. The researcher did prepare both instrument of study: the form and the analysis of the level, distributed on three main domains: method skills, manual skill (practical) and social skills. Also the researcher prepared a questionnaire includes 26 items distributed on three domains had been assured of their validity and reliability by scientific means. Finding of the study showed that: Degree of life skills availability in the text book of English for the sixth basic grade. Came at a high degree on skills mental skills at a rate of 0.46 on the manual practical skills came at a moderate degree at a rate of 0.34, on the social skills came at a low degree at a rate of 0.21. It also deduced results acquired students with life skills from their teachers’ point of view at a medium degree and at all domains of study. Nonexistence of differences due to the variables of sex, years of experience, scientific qualification, indispensable of the variable of sex it is the domain of social skills for the interest of females. (Author's abstract) ID - 128270 OP - أ-م، 77 ص. T1 - درجة توافر المهارات الحياتية في محتوى منهاج اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السادس الأساسي ودرجة اكتساب الطلبة لها من وجهة نظر معلميهم في العاصمة عمان [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)