AU - البدوي، أمل محمد حسن. AB - The study aimed to identify the reality of the role of academic leaders to achieve competitive advantage at King Khalid University and try to develop a proposed vision for this role. The study relied on the descriptive method. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. The study sample was determined using the Herbert Arken equation. It was identified by 306 members of the teaching staff in different faculties of King Khalid University for Boys and Girls in Abha and Khamis Mushait. The study resulted in a number of results the role of academic leaders in achieving the quality of scientific research at the colleges of King Khalid University, and the approval of the members of the sample of the study in a low. The role of academic leaders in achieving human resources management at King Khalid University faculties, and the approval of the study sample members to a large extent on all the fourth dimension statements the role of academic leaders in achieving knowledge management and economy at King Khalid University. The role of academic leaders in the achievement of the application of technology in the faculties of King Khalid University and the absence of significant differences at the level of the function (0.05 α α) between the average responses of the sample members of the study from the faculty members (Theory, and process) about the role of academic leaders in achieving the competitive advantage of King Khalid University in its various dimensions after the quality of educational programs, and after the quality of research Scientific, and post-resource management The study recommended a number of recommendations, including: Designing and implementing a set of training programs for all faculty members aimed at developing awareness of the concept of competitive advantage and its dimensions, and establishing a center for educational evaluation in each of the faculties of King Khalid University provides a team with computer skills and advanced statistical methods in evaluating organizational performance including value added. (Published abstract) ID - 128047 OP - ص ص. 124-154 T1 - رؤية مقترحة لدور القيادات الأكاديمية لتحقيق الميزة التنافسية بجامعة الملك خالد [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)