AU - حلاسة، فايزة. AU - بلوم، محمد AB - The aims of the current research is to develop a training program of assertiveness behavior in middle school students andsee its effects on each of the personal communication skills. The study is based on the experimental methodology applying the one group experimental design. We applied the following study tools: The assertiveness behavior Test for middle school students and the personal communication skill Test for middle school students and An assertiveness behavior training program (designed by the researcher). The study sample consisted of fifteen (15) students from the fourth year middle school of Abu Bakr Mustapha Ibn Rahmoun of Biskra, who were chosen in a deliberate way out of 207 students who obtained scores below average when answering the three questionnaires of assertiveness and personal communication. And we obtained the results can be summarized as follows: The existence of differences between the means of measuring pre and post about the iterative and communication skills to a group of females after the completion of the application program and the passage of follow-up period. The inexistence of differences between the means of measuring pre and post about the iterative and communication skills for a male after the completion of the application program and the passage of follow-up period. (Published Abstract) ID - 128029 OP - ص ص. 98-123 T1 - فعالية برنامج تدريبي قائم على التوكيدية في رفع مهارات الاتصال الشخصي لدى عينة من المراهقين المتمدرسين : دراسة ميدانية بمتوسطة ابو بكر مصطفى ابن رحمون، بسطرة [مقال] UL - 2 محتوى العدد (PDF)