AU - عبد الله، نسرين بهجت. AB - The objective of the study is to build a cognitive scale for the mathematical statistics for students of faculties and departments of physical education in the Kurdistan region. The research community consists of students of the third year of the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Salah al-Din. The sample of the building was (70) students (47.29%). The tool to be constructed was represented by a cognitive scale for the mathematical statistics of third year students in the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Salahuddin. The researcher took care to provide the truth and consistency of the research tool and to perform statistical analysis of the measurement paragraphs and to ensure that the scientific conditions of the scale paragraphs to be within the limit (20-80) degrees of ease and difficulty coefficient and a coefficient of discrimination not less than (25%). Using the appropriate statistical methods، the following researcher concluded: 1) Preparation of the statistical test of the mathematical statistic by (50) paragraphs in its initial form. 2) Two paragraphs were deleted by experts and specialists. 3) Through statistical analysis and extraction coefficient of difficulty and ease and the coefficient of discrimination for the test paragraphs were deleted nine paragraphs for lack of conditions in them. 4) The final form of the achievement test consists of (39) paragraph. The researcher recommended the need to rely on the achievement test prepared in educational programs for the teaching of mathematical statistics. (Published Abstract) ID - 126452 OP - ص ص. 79-94 T1 - بناء مقياس معرفي لمادة الإحصاء الرياضي لكليات وأقسام التربية الرياضية في إقليم كردستان العراق [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)