AU - داود، سليمان حمودة محمد. AB - The current study aimed to build communication skills course electronically Using the E-learning management system Blackboard in accordance to e-learning quality standards by the foundation (Quality Matters), and to identify the impact on academic achievement and the trend toward electronic course. The researcher has translated the standards of quality matters for online courses to undergraduate, building electronic course according to the indicators included, and approved by Qassim University, the researcher built an academic achievement test and a measurement test for the trend toward the course, and secured and verified their validity. The researcher selected 77 students from the Faculty of Shariah as the sample of the study. Then the students were distributed into a treatment group of (37) students was taught via the e-learning course and a control group of (40) students was taught a regular method. The findings of the study indicated that the academic achievement increased via the e-learning method, and students had positive attitudes toward the e-learning course, the study recommended that all course at the Faculty of Shariah should be taught as e-learning courses due to their positive impact on students’ achievement and attitudes toward the courses.(Published Abstract) ID - 126412 OP - ص ص. 1-34 T1 - فاعلية مقرر إلكتروني لمهارات الاتصال وفق معايير جودة التعليم الإلكتروني في التحصيل الدراسي والاتجاه نحو المقرر لدى طلاب كلية الشريعة جامعة القصيم : المملكة العربية السعودية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)