AU - تعلب، صبرين صلاح. AB - The present study aimed to examining the nature of the structural relationship between academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy,and will the two concepts represent a theoretically and empirically distinct structures if it has been studied within the same domain (the field of educational psychology, the content of individual differences course).on sample consisted of (60) students from the fours year ,faculty of education, ain shams university (22 males, 38 females),department of psychology, and by using structural equation modeling (to exam the fit of the proposed structural models with study sample data). Results showed that there are good fit between the first structural model (which represents distinct structures of psychology self- concept and psychology self -efficacy with study sample data, whereas value of chi-square(x2 = 72.55),and freedom degrees is (df=53), which significant at the level (sig=0.05),the ratio between chi-square and freedom degrees (x2 /df=1 .037), while the value of chi-square (x2 =163.4) for the second model (which represents one structure or component of the two concepts within the field of psychology) freedom degrees (df=54), which significant at the level (sig=0.01),the ratio between chi-square and degrees of freedom (x2 /df=3.026). This means that the chi-square ratio to the freedom degrees in the first model is less than that in the second model.which indicates that the first model did better fit: this means that psychology self- concept and psychology self- efficacy represent two empirically separate structures when tested within the same field of study. (Published Abstract) ID - 125658 OP - ص ص. 271-308 T1 - مفهوم الذات الاكاديمي وفعالية الذات الاكاديمية داخل مجال علم النفس : دراسة في نمذجة العلاقات [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)