AU - الزنفلي، أحمد محمود. AB - In the light of what the Egyptians desire for building a new society through a process of wide change and rebuilding the society, the present research comes as a contribution in this context. So, the research sought to foresee the most important features of the Desired Egyptian Society in the light of current societal situation, desired aspirations, and global challenges. The research reached to identify the most important of those features. As education plays the main role in building Human resources for sake of building society, the research extrapolated education responsibilities towards the desired society features, then from these responsibilities, the research derived a set of roles that need to be carried out by the education in order to reach this desired society. In order to bears its responsibilities and does its roles in the building of desired society, education needs a new policy which guides its job and leads its movement in the future. So the research identified the nature of educational policy and determined the most important requirements of its building, then the research sought to shape proposed features of educational policy for the desired society, and reached a number of guiding principles and general objectives of education which constitute the features of proposed new education policy for the future of Egypt, it stems from features of the desired Egyptian Society and education responsibilities and roles necessary to contribute to the building of this society. Hence, the research recommended that we need to put those features into further study in order to build final educational policy for the desired society and work to implement it in reality. It also recommended that we must provide the necessary requirements to ensure the building of final educational policy.(Published Abstract) ID - 125396 OP - ص ص. 1-96 T1 - سياسة تعليمية جديدة لبناء المجتمع المصري المنشود : متطلبات لازمة وملامح مقترحة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)