AU - سمكري، أزهار ياسين. AB - This study examined the relationship of women’s marital satisfaction to their psychological stress, anxiety & depression as affected by their age, education, income, and work status. To achieve this goal, several scales (MSS, PSS, TAS, & TDS) were applied to a sample of (497) married women in Makkah. The analysis of the collected data revealed the following results: Psychological stress, anxiety, and depression were found to be related positively to one another with great significance. These variables related negatively to marital satisfaction. Wives’ age-levels affected these variables in different manners. While younger women showed a higher level of marital satisfaction, older women showed higher levels of stress. However, no differences were found between age-groups in anxiety and depression. The husbands’ age-levels and the interaction between the couples’ age-levels were found to be non-significant. Lower levels of education caused women to experience a higher degree of anxiety and depression, but this did not lead to the sense of marital dissatisfaction. The results showed that men’s level of education was more affective. Higher levels of husbands’ education lead to a higher degree of satisfaction and less stress among their wives. The interaction between the couples’ levels of education was found to be non-significant. While, the wives’ income was found to be less affective on any of the dependent variables, the husbands’ income was found to be more important to the family’s life. The high income of the husbands led to a higher level of marital satisfaction among wives, while low income caused a higher level of stress, anxiety & depression. The effect of the interaction between the couples’ income on all variables seemed to be limited and insignificant. Regarding the effect of the wives’ working status, students showed a higher level of satisfaction than working wives and house-wives. Working wives showed higher level of stress, but not to the level that would lead to anxiety or depression. However, the husbands’ working status was found to be more important, unemployment of husbands led to less satisfaction and more stress, anxiety, and depression. The interaction between wives’ and husbands’ working status on all variables seemed to affect significantly the wives’ stress, anxiety and depression, but not their marital satisfaction. Based on the previous results, the researcher believes that different education & multimedia organizations must co-operate to better prepare young people in the society for marital and life responsibilities. Furthermore, the researcher believes that marital counseling is important, especially for individual during the pre-marriage and early-marriage periods. More studies in this domain should be achieved, in order to prevent conflicting variables which may affect negatively both the couple and their children. (Published Abstract) ID - 125372 OP - ص ص. 225-280 T1 - الرضا الزواجي وأثره على بعض جوانب الصحة النفسية في ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية والاجتماعية لدى عينة من المتزوجات في منطقة مكة المكرمة [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)