AU - زارع، أحمد. AB - The research aimed at investigating the effect of using metacognitive strategies in teaching geography on developing achievement, geographical skills, and positive thinking of preparatory stage pupils. To answer the research questions, the descriptive approach was used in writing the theoretical framework to determine the metacognitive strategies, the geographical skills, and the positive thinking skills, and in preparing the tools of the research, and also in the analysis and interpretation of the results. The experimental design was also used in the experiment. The tools of the research were applied on preparatory stage pupils in Assiut governorate. The results showed a statistically significant difference at (0.01) level between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre-post application (in favor of the post application) in both the achievement and the geographical skill tests, and also in the positive thinking measure. This confirms the effect of metacognitive thinking strategies in teaching geography on achievement, the geographical skills and also on the positive thinking of preparatory stage pupils. The results were analyzed using omega2 and its value was (0.01) and this shows a strong effect. (Published abstract) ID - 125268 OP - ص ص. 645-694 T1 - إستراتيجيات التفكير فوق المعرفي في تدريس الجغرافيا وأثرها في تنمية التحصيل والمهارات الجغرافية والتفكير الإيجابي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإعدادية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)