AU - Al-Sehiemy, Zainab Abdul-Rahman. AU - Gheith, Nervana Abdul-Rahman AB - Recently, public administration graduates are exposed to new set of challenges because of globalization, virtual world and using modern technology as a base of all today's dealings. It imposes PAD at faculty of economic and administration faculty to prepare its students to confront these changes in organizations in the community. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to develop training standards for students with Major PA at KAU, Jeddah, KSA. The study subjects included two groups named; jury group (n = 37) and student group (247). Three tools were used for data collection, namely; Validity form, interview questionnaire sheet and audit form. Descriptive analytical design was used in this study. The study findings indicated that the proposed training standards for undergraduate PA students are valid. It is recommended to apply these standards on students with major PA at KAU-Jeddah. (As provided) ID - 125061 OP - pp. 111-117 PB - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2015 PP - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2015 SN - 22221735 T1 - Develop training standards for undergraduate students with major public administration at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia [Article] UL - 1 Full text (PDF) YR - Hong Kong Island IISTE 2015