AU - Alqurashi, Fahad M. AB - This article reports the findings of a quasi-experimental study that extended over two consecutive semesters to measure the impact of collaborative learning activities within peer response groups on forty-two Saudi subjects’ perceived peer social support. Results show that many subjects experienced poor social and behavioral skills and insufficient peer acceptance that negatively affected their social competence. Most students worked to maintain group harmony during discussion interactions by avoiding making direct corrections to their peer’s drafts or giving straightforward suggestions to improve their compositions. Results of the study suggest that the impact of group work remains limited in the Saudi educational context, which indicates a need for further research on the nature of relationship between group work and the prevailing cultural norms in this particular educational setting.(Published abstract) ID - 123199 OP - pp. 189-200 T1 - The effect of peer response groups on EFL college writing student’s perceived peer social support [Article] UL - 1 Full text (PDF)