AU - الضامن، صلاح الدين. AU - سمور، قاسم محمد AB - This study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral counseling program on reducing learned helplessness and improving resilience of abused children in public schools in bani kananah district.the study was carried out on a sample of (30) male abused children students, who were assigned to two equal groups, (15) for the experimental, and (15) for the control group. To achieve the study aims, three scales: learned helplessness, resilience, and abused children were constructed, as well as a cognitive behavioral counseling program was developed. The results showed statistically significant difference between groups, in favour of the experimental group in reducing learned helplessness (on the total score and on the emotional, motivational, and cognitive sub dimensions) and improving resilience on the total score, and on the sub dimensions (emotional, social, and mental). (Published Abstract) ID - 123147 OP - ص ص. 171-191 T1 - فاعلية برنامج إرشادي معرفي سلوكي لخفض العجز المتعلم وتحسين المرونة النفسية لدى الأطفال المساء إليهم في المدارس الحكومية في لواء بني كنانة [مقال]