AU - عبد الجليل، رجاء محمد. AB - The aim of this study was twofold. The first was investigating the level of geographical literacy among the primary stage pupils. The second was investigating the effectiveness of a suggested instructional unit that was designed in the light of the national and international standards for teaching Geography in developing geographical literacy among primary stage pupils. To achieve these aims, the following steps were followed: Identifying the aims enhancing geographical literacy to prepare a geographically literate learner, Selecting the national and international standards in the light of which these aims should be achieved, Selecting a geography content, activities and aids that help achieving a geographically literate learner, Preparing a scale of geographical literacy that includes six sub scales to measure the geographical facts and concepts of each dimension, Preparing a teacher’s guide, Selecting the study population from the sixth grade at the primary stage (n= 32 pupils) at one of the schools in Qualubia Governorate, Administering the scales before and after teaching the unit. The study reached the following results: The level of geographical literacy did not reach the mastery level (75%) among the study sample before teaching the unit. However, it exceeded that level after teaching the suggested instructional unit. The suggested instructional unit was effective in developing the geographical facts and concepts since t- value was significant at the 0.01 level of significance. In addition, the modified ratio of gain was more than 1.2 as identified by Black, in favor of the post administration except for the dimensions of political life and the regime system whose ratio did not reach the modified gain ratio. The study recommended that the Geography teacher education and training programs should pay great concern to how to prepare a geographically literate learner and developing the skills, dispositions and attitudes related to geographical literacy. (Published Abstract) ID - 122272 OP - ص ص. 397-426 T1 - فاعلية وحدة دراسية مقترحة في ضوء المعايير الدولية والقومية لتعليم الجغرافيا في تنمية الثقافة الجغرافية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)