AU - الونداوي، صباح جليل خليل AB - This research aims at identifying the effect of cooperative learning Strategy in the achievement of Kurdish language grammar of students at Kurdish Dept. To achieve the research aim , the researcher chose intentionally the fourth - year students in the Dept. of Kurdish College of Education, lbn –Rushed For Human Sciences, University of Baghdad to be the sample of his study, The sample consists of (62) male and female students distributing on two sections .The first section represents the experimental group, while the other one represents the control group. The experimental group includes (31) male and female students who pare taught according to cooperative learning strategy. The control group includes (31) male and female students who are taught according to the traditional way. The researcher has done the equalization in the following variables: the academic level of achievement of the students fathers and mothers and their scores in the Intelligence Test and the final mark in grammar for third stage. The experiment lasted for nine weeks. An achievement test is designed by the researcher and it is composed of (20) item which represents a multiple choice test, The validity and reliability of the test has been ascertained by using (Kuder –Richardson-20 ) Formal and it is (0,76). The results of the research have been treated statistically by using( T-Test) Formulae for two independent variables. lt has been shown that there is a statistically significant difference in favors to the experimental group which is taught according to cooperative learning strategies . In the light of the results achieved the researcher has come up with the following conclusions: 1)The cooperative learning strategy have proved their effectiveness in increasing the achievement of the four - Year in Kurdish Grammar language . 2) Using the cooperative learning strategies gives opportunity for students to discuss argue and express opinions. (Published Abstract) ID - 120924 OP - ص ص. 263-288 T1 - أثر استراتيجية التعلم التعاوني في تحصيل مادة القواعد لدى طلبة قسم اللغة الكردية [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)