AU - عبد الخالق، وقار يوسف. AU - علي، بلسم أحمد AB - Our educational corporations still face undesired administrative forms such as slow in movement ,escape from responsibility , imposing authority, accountability and vocational commitment which lead to weaken their effectiveness administration for corporative performance and then effect on their results qualitatively and quantitatively , this stressed by many conferences and studies in the educational field. For no existence a study measuring performance administration in the secondary education corporations, a convince emerged in the researcher to study the variation and to know also level of this application in these corporations. Future of world lightening learned people because the educational system is the main base and the beaten heart for development any society because learning system is an integrated system and the secondary education is a basic form represents a communication ling between the main and university education and validity of administrative and educational leadership by adopting performance administrative effective techniques that focusing on higher level system to improve man and organized behavior depended on culture of higher and creative performance and done by organization. (Published Abstract) ID - 120690 OP - ص ص. 379-390 T1 - إدارة الأداء لمديري مدارس التعليم الثانوي من وجهة نظر معاونيهم [مقال] UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)