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Article   1.  The implementation of the sustainable development goals the level of education in Morocco Add to my basket Remove from my basket
El Alaoui, Anas El Azizi. Emirati Journal of Education and Literature. Vol. 2, no. 1, 2024.
Descriptors: Sustainable development - Educational objectives - Programme implementation - Access to education - Equal education - Educational development - Morocco
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Book   2.  The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education : international evidence from the Responses to Educational Disruption Survey (REDS) Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Meinck, Sabine.
Amsterdam : International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement ، 2022
Descriptors: Surveys - Cross cultural studies - COVID-19 - Teacher attitudes - Student attitudes - Administrator attitudes - Principals - Secondary school teachers - Secondary school students - Educational experience - Teaching methods - Learning processes - Educational policies - Crisis Management - School closure - Academic achievement - Access to education - Equal education - Student teacher relationship - United Arab Emirates
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Book   3.  Applied degree education and the future of learning Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Hong, Christina.
New York : Springer ، 2022
Descriptors: Academic Degrees - Engineering education - Twenty first century - Vocational schools - Creativity - COVID-19 - Educational technology - Competency-based education - Workplace Learning - Distance education - Higher education - Student Interests - Science education - Feedback - Computer simulation - Architectural Education - Success - Teacher education - Access to education - Nursing - Morocco
Report   4.  Access to basic services Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Aslanishvli, T.
Florence : UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti ، 2022
Descriptors: Immigrants - Children rights - Adolescents - Barriers - International cooperation - Child protection - Child welfare - Access to education - Racial discrimination - Social discrimination - Documentation - Government role - School role - Social work - Sudan - Egypt
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Report   5.  Vulnerability, discrimination and xenophobia Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Aslanishvli, T.
Florence : UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti ، 2022
Descriptors: Immigrants - Child welfare - Barriers - International cooperation - Access to education - Racial discrimination - Social discrimination - Gender discrimination - Children rights - Government role - Adolescents - Health services - Sudan - Egypt
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Report   6.  Barriers and facilitators to providing assistive technologies to children with disabilities in south Sudan Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Whittaker, Golnaz.
Florence : UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti ، 2022
Descriptors: NGO - Barriers - Children - Agency role - International organizations - Government role - Financial support - Conflict - War - Access to education - Rehabilitation - Access to information - Human resources - COVID-19 - Sudan
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Report   7.  Refugees' access to higher education in their host countries : overcoming the 'super-disadvantage' Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Martin, Michaela O.
Paris : UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning ، 2022
Descriptors: Refugees - Access to education - Higher education - Barriers - Equal education - Educational opportunities - Inclusive education - Educational policies - Cross cultural studies - Disadvantaged - Educational benefits - Egypt
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Report   8.  Increasing equity through diverse entry pathways into higher education Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Martin, Michaela O.
Paris : UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning ، 2022
Descriptors: Equal education - Informal education - COVID-19 - Pandemics - College students - Cross cultural studies - Higher education - Educational policies - Open universities - Admission criteria - University preparation - Access to education - Credentials - Surveys - Morocco
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Thesis   9.  African refugee students' access to higher education : exploring their challenges in Egypt Add to my basket Remove from my basket
El Sayed, Younes, Hagar. American University in Cairo School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. 2021
Descriptors: Higher education - Refugee education - Access to education - Barriers - Africa - Egypt
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Book   10.  Education at a glance 2021 : OECD indicators Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Paris : OECD Publishing ، 2021
Descriptors: Educational indicators - Learning outcomes - Access to education - Educational finances - Financial support - Vocational education - Education work relationship - Student teacher ratio - Equal education - Sustainable development - Expenditures - Early childhood education - Secondary education - Foreign students - Teacher salaries - Teacher characteristics - Class size - Saudi Arabia
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Report   11.  Transforming education in Africa : an evidence-based overview and recommendations for long-term improvements Add to my basket Remove from my basket
New York : UNICEF ، 2021
Descriptors: Educational development trends - COVID-19 - Pandemics - Equal education - Lower secondary education - Population trends - Illiteracy - Adult literacy - Access to education - Out of school youth - Graduation - Vocational education - Educational quality - Learning outcomes - Teacher employment - Educational finances - Financial support - Barriers - Rural urban differences - Disadvantaged - Electronic learning - Hygiene - Distance education - Class size - Information systems - Morocco
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Report   12.  Technical and vocational education and training for disadvantaged youth Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Alla-Mensah, Joyceline.
Bonn : UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training ، 2021
Descriptors: Vocational education - Disadvantaged youth - Barriers - Access to education - Poverty - Rural areas - Language proficiency - Educational environment - Labour market - Guidance - COVID-19 - Pandemics - Refugees - Partnerships in education - Immigrants - Educational resources - Secondary education - Public schools - Private schools - Minority group children - Socioeconomic status - Indigenous populations - Intervention - Jordan
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Report   13.  Unlocking learning : the implementation and effectiveness of digital learning for Syrian refugees in Lebanon Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Dreesen, Thomas.
New York : UNICEF ، 2021
Descriptors: Educational technology - Refugees - Telecommunications - Second language instruction - Distance education - Access to education - Classroom methods - Nonformal education - COVID-19 - School closure - French language - English - Adolescents - Lebanon - Syrian AR
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Report   14.  The Jordan Ministry of Education's response to the Syria Refugee crisis : case study: what influences ministry of education leadership during crises? Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Arnot, Tyler.
Paris : UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning ، 2021
Descriptors: Refugees - Government role - Access to education - Educational policies - Barriers - Political issues - Public administration - Educational administration - Partnerships in education - Jordan - Syrian AR
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Article   15.  Challenges of international ranking of Egyptian universities from the academicians’ perspective Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Sywelem, Mohamed M. Ghoneim. American Journal of Educational Research. Vol.8, no. 7, 2020.
Descriptors: Barriers - Access to education - Educational opportunities - Educational problems - International education - Research problems - Universities - Professors - Teacher attitudes - Egypt
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Article   16.  Where does Higher Education go from here? Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Nathan, Senthil. Edu Alliance Journal. 10 May 2020.
Descriptors: Educational futures - Higher education - Educational quality - Access to education - Electronic learning - Educational technology - Internet - COVID-19 - Pandemics - Disease control - Middle East
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Report   17.  Proximity of care : a new approach to designing for early childhood in vulnerable urban contexts Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Newton, William Isaac.
The Hague : Bernard van Leer Foundation ، 2020
Descriptors: Urban areas - Child development - Family needs - Environmental influences - Childhood needs - Housing - Refugees - Access to education - Early childhood education - Urban planning - Pregnancy - Family environment - Health education - Safety - Jordan - Lebanon
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Report   18.  Secondary education guidance : multiple and flexible pathways Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Sanchez-Tapia, Ingrid.
New York : UNICEF ، 2020
Descriptors: Secondary education - Educational finances - Access to education - Disadvantaged youth - Programme design - Programme implementation - Advocacy - Partnerships in education - Equal education - Nonformal education - Barriers - Out of school youth - Womens education - Skill development - Adolescents - Educational cooperation - Middle East - Sudan - Lebanon - Jordan
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Book   19.  Education at a glance 2020 : OECD indicators Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Paris : OECD Publishing ، 2020
Descriptors: Educational indicators - Learning outcomes - Access to education - Educational finances - Financial support - Vocational education - Education work relationship - Student teacher ratio - Equal education - Sustainable development - Expenditures - Early childhood education - Secondary education - Foreign students - Teacher salaries - Teacher characteristics - Class size - Saudi Arabia
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Book   20.  Multidisciplinary approach to entrepreneurship education for migrants : advances in educational marketing, administration, and leadership Add to my basket Remove from my basket
Mosquera, Selma.
Hershey : IGI Global ، 2020
Descriptors: Immigrants - Access to education - Adult education - Ethnic groups - Minority groups - Religion - Refugees - Empowerment - Social discrimination - Taxonomy - Multicultural education - Social change - Syrian AR
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Subject : Access to education
   Author  Author Author
All authors
 (4) OECD
 (2) Aslanishvli, T.
 (2) Buckner, Elizabeth
 (2) Bueno, O.
 (2) Deribo, Tobias

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All publication dates
 (17) 2019
 (16) 2017
 (16) 2018
 (9) 2016
 (8) 2011

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   Country  Country Country
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 (67) United States
 (9) France
 (5) Canada
 (5) United Kingdom
 (3) Germany

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   Language  Language Language
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 (113) English

   Publisher  Publisher Publisher

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1 2 3 4 5 6   [6]
 (5) Prospects : Quarterly Review of Comparative Education  (3) Research in Comparative and International Education
 (2) Childhood Education  (2) FIRE : Forum for International Research in Education
 (2) International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology  (2) International Journal of Special Education
 (2) Journal of Education and Practice  (2) Journal of Education and Training Studies
 (2) Journal of the International Association of Special Education  (1) American Journal of Educational Research
 (1) Anthropology and Education Quarterly  (1) Australian and International Journal of Rural Education
 (1) British Journal of Special Education  (1) Chronicle of Higher Education
 (1) Cogent Education  (1) Comparative Education Review
 (1) Compare : A Journal of Comparative and International Education  (1) Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
 (1) EDUCAUSE Quarterly  (1) Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development
 (1) Economics of Education Review  (1) Edu Alliance Journal
 (1) Education Policy Analysis Archives.  (1) Educational Gerontology
 (1) Educational Review  (1) Electronic Journal of e-Learning
 (1) Emirati Journal of Education and Literature  (1) Eurasian Journal of Educational Research
 (1) European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning  (1) FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education
 (1) Global Education Review  (1) Globalisation, Societies and Education
 (1) Higher Education : The International Journal of Higher Education Research  (1) Higher Education Quarterly
 (1) Intercultural Education  (1) International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
 (1) International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology  (1) International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies
 (1) International Journal of Educational Development  (1) International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education
 (1) International Journal of Inclusive Education  (1) International Journal of Information and Learning Technology
 (1) International Journal of Training Research.  (1) International Review of Education
 (1) Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education  (1) Journal of Correctional Education
 (1) Journal of Education and Learning  (1) Journal of International Education Research
 (1) Journal of International and Comparative Education  (1) Journal of Studies in International Education
 (1) Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal  (1) London Review of Education
 (1) Policy Reviews in Higher Education  (1) Review of Higher Education
 (1) Sociology of Education.  (1) Studies in Higher Education
 (1) Technology, Pedagogy and Education  (1) Theory and Research in Education
 (1) World Journal of Education.
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Publication date
 (17) 2019  (16) 2017
 (16) 2018  (9) 2016
 (8) 2011  (7) 2020
 (7) 2022  (6) 2007
 (6) 2013  (6) 2021
 (4) 2014  (3) 2008
 (3) 2015  (2) 2009
 (1) 2010  (1) 2012
 (1) 2024
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 (67) United States  (9) France
 (5) Canada  (5) United Kingdom
 (3) Germany  (3) Italy
 (2) Australia  (2) Barbados
 (2) China  (2) Netherlands
 (2) No place, unknown, or undetermined  (2) Palestine
 (2) United Arab Emirates  (1) Egypt
 (1) Hungary  (1) Indonesia
 (1) Lebanon  (1) Malaysia
 (1) Pakistan  (1) Turkey
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 (67) United States  (9) France
 (5) Canada  (5) United Kingdom
 (3) Germany  (3) Italy
 (2) Australia  (2) Barbados
 (2) China  (2) Netherlands
 (2) No place, unknown, or undetermined  (2) Palestine
 (2) United Arab Emirates  (1) Egypt
 (1) Hungary  (1) Indonesia
 (1) Lebanon  (1) Malaysia
 (1) Pakistan  (1) Turkey
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 (7) Routledge  (7) Springer
 (7) Taylor & Francis, Ltd.  (5) SAGE Publications
 (5) UNICEF  (4) OECD Publishing
 (3) Global Partnership for Education  (3) Lehigh University Library and Technology Services
 (3) UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning  (3) UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti
 (2) Elsevier  (2) IGI Global
 (2) IISTE  (2) International Association of Special Education
 (2) International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology  (2) International Journal of Special Education
 (2) Redfame Publishing Inc.  (2) UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
 (2) US Agency for International Development  (2) Wiley-Blackwell
 (1) ANI Publishing Company  (1) Academic Conferences Limited
 (1) Association of Commonwealth Universities  (1) Australian International Academic Centre PTY, LTD.
 (1) Bernard van Leer Foundation  (1) Canadian Center of Science and Education
 (1) Centre for Lebanese Studies  (1) Chronicle of Higher Education
 (1) Clute Institute  (1) Colleges of Education at Arizona State University and the University of South Florida
 (1) Correctional Education Association  (1) EDUCAUSE
 (1) Edu Alliance Group  (1) Emerald Group Publishing Limited
 (1) Emirates Scholar Research Center  (1) European Distance and E-Learning Network
 (1) Human Resource Management Academic Research Society  (1) Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
 (1) International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement  (1) Johns Hopkins University Press
 (1) Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education  (1) Learning Disabilities Worldwide, Inc.
 (1) Mercy College New York  (1) National Center for Education Statistics
 (1) ProQuest LLC.  (1) Research-publishing.net
 (1) Sciedu Press  (1) Science and Education Publishing
 (1) Society for the Provision of Education in Rural Australia
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 (15) Philadelphia  (12) New York
 (8) Paris  (6) Washington
 (5) Thousand Oaks  (3) Bethlehem
 (3) Florence  (2) Beaverton
 (2) Flagstaff  (2) Hamburg
 (2) Hershey  (2) Hong Kong Island
 (2) London  (2) Malden
 (2) Orlando  (2) Vancouver
 (1) Abu Dhabi  (1) Amsterdam
 (1) Ankara  (1) Ann Arbor
 (1) Bahawalpur  (1) Baltimore
 (1) Barbados  (1) Beirut
 (1) Berkeley, CA  (1) Bingley
 (1) Bonn  (1) Boulder
 (1) Cave Hill  (1) Chicago
 (1) Chicago, IL  (1) Dobbs Ferry
 (1) Elkridge  (1) Footscray
 (1) Hungary  (1) Indiana
 (1) Kidmore End  (1) Kuala Lumpur
 (1) Littleton  (1) New York, NY
 (1) Newark  (1) Oxford
 (1) Tampa  (1) The Hague
 (1) Toronto  (1) Toronto Ontario
 (1) Voillans  (1) Washington, DC
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