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The effectiveness of task-based learning approach (TBL) on developing communication skills in English for the Saudi EFL preparatory year students

Type Article
Author Aben Ahmed, Mahdi R. English Language
Pages pp. 1-28
Host Item Entry Journal of Educational Sciences. Vol. 28, no. 3, p. 2, July 2020
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Teaching methods  -  Skill development  -  Communication skills  -  English  -  Second language instruction  -  University students  -  Saudi Arabia
Language of document English
Country Egypt
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of using task-based learning on developing communication skills in English for the first year university students. The researcher employed a sample of (100) EFL learners studying at a university in the Eastern Province in Saudi Arabia. The researcher chose two classes: one class was as an experimental group consisting of (50) students and the second one was as a control group consisting of (50) students. The traditional method was used in teaching the control group, while the task-based learning approach was used with the experimental one in the first term of the academic year (2019-2020). The researcher used three tools: an interview to find out the level of the students in communication skills, a test (pre & post-test), and an observation card to measure the communication skills of the students. The collected data were analyzed and treated statistically. T-test and the effect size equation were used to measure the effect size of task-based learning approach on the experimental group in each domain of the test. The findings of the study revealed that there were significant differences in learning communication skills in English between both groups: the experimental and the control, in favor of the experimental group due to using the task-based learning. The study recommended the necessity of implementing task-based learning approach in teaching and learning English communication skills to get better learning outcomes in students' achievements. Also, the study concluded with recommendations for practice and future research concerning the effectiveness of using task-based learning approach on different English language skills and other university courses as well. (Published Abstract)

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Aben Ahmed, Mahdi R.. (2020). The effectiveness of task-based learning approach (TBL) on developing communication skills in English for the Saudi EFL preparatory year students . Journal of Educational Sciences. Vol. 28, no. 3, p. 2, July 2020. pp. 1-28 Retrieved from