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Education-job match : investigating labor market alignment challenges encountered by College of Education and Arts graduated students at University of Tabuk

Type Article
Author Alasmrai, Mohammed Bin Awad. Management and Planning of Continuing Education Programs, Department of Education and Psychology, College of Education and Arts, University of Tabuk
Second author Alqarni, Hassan Abdullah. Fundamentals of Islamic Education, Department of Education and Psychology, College of Education and Arts, University of Tabuk.
Varying form of title تحديات المواءمة مع سوق العمل السعودي التي تواجه خريجي وخريجات كلية التربية والآداب بجامعة تبوك :دراسة نوعية [مقال]
Pages pp. 45-79
Host Item Entry آفاق جديدة في تعليم الكبار. ع. 28، يونيو 2020
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Labour market  -  Graduates  -  Girls  -  Saudi Arabia
Language of document English
Country Egypt

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Alasmrai, Mohammed Bin Awad. (2020). Education-job match : investigating labor market alignment challenges encountered by College of Education and Arts graduated students at University of Tabuk . آفاق جديدة في تعليم الكبار. ع. 28، يونيو 2020. pp. 45-79 Retrieved from