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بناء اختبار محكي المرجع لقياس كفايات الإحصاء لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا بجامعة تبوك

Type Article
Author العطوي، حنان محمد شقيان. جامعة تبوك، المملكة العربية السعودية
Second author المسعودي، أحمد سليم عيد. التعليم والفروق الفردية، كلية التربية والآداب، جامعة تبوك، المملكة العربية السعودية.
Varying form of title Constructing a criterion referenced test to measure the statistical competencies of postgraduate students at the University of Tabuk [Article]
Pages ص ص. 97-123
Host Item Entry المجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية. مج. 7، ع. 1، شباط 2020
Electronic Location النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors جامعة تبوك (السعودية)  -  الاختبارات  -  القياس  -  الكفايات  -  الاحصاء  -  طلاب الدراسات العليا
Language of document Arabic
Country Jordan
This research aimed to construct a criterion referenced test to measure the statistical competencies of post graduate students at the University of Tabuk according to rash model. To achieve research objectives the researcher used descriptive analytical methodology and an instrument was constructed in four stages (analysis phase, construction phase, experimentation phase, and production phase), were a criterion referenced test consisting of (47) items was constructed covering the competencies necessary for statistics (the basic concepts of statistics, measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation interpretation and identification, parametric statistical methods, non-parametric statistical methods, interpretation of the results extracted from the SPSS program, selecting the appropriate statistical method for the research objectives and hypotheses, and ensuring the validity and reliability of the test. The instrument was applied to an exploratory sample consisting of (30) students and the validity of the instrument construct and content were verified, Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was (0.96) indicating that the test has a high degree of reliability. The psychometric properties of the items were tested through SPSS program where difficulty coefficients were moderate and discrimination coefficients were appropriate. After the application of the research on a sample of (200) individuals using (bilo-mg3) program the applicability of (47) items to rash model, and the data of the (200) individuals was matching to rash model. The degree of cut-off-score was estimated using Angoff’s method valued at (32) degrees, and the test obtained a high reliability coefficient according to modern measurement theory (0.94), this indicates that the test has a high degree of accuracy and objectivity, and it would distinguish between the post graduate students who are competent and no-competent in statistical competencies. The research concluded the following recommendations: developing statistical methods to be comprehensive for all statistical topics, providing a computer lab to allow postgraduate students to train on statistical programs, holding training courses for postgraduate students to train on statistical programs and data analysis, and the application of the test by the University of Tabuk as an admission test for the master degree. (Published abstract)

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العطوي، حنان محمد شقيان. (2020). بناء اختبار محكي المرجع لقياس كفايات الإحصاء لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا بجامعة تبوك . المجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية. مج. 7، ع. 1، شباط 2020. ص ص. 97-123 Retrieved from