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Designing an early childhood education (ECE) program for preschooler using visual basic 6

Type Article
Author Noori, Amani Y. University of Mustansiriyah
Pages pp. 31-40
Host Item Entry Journal of the College of Basic Education. Vol. 24, No. 101 Scientific, 2018
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Early childhood education  -  Educational programmes  -  Preschool children
Language of document English
Country Iraq
This paper presents a program for learning children (like a game) for age (3-5) years named preschooler. This program provides sound playing for someone pronounces the English and Arabic numbers and letters three times for each one who clicking from mouse or press from keyboard the number or letter using audio playing with in visual basic 6. Aswe know children have low recognition capability between capital and small letters. This program deals with these two cases and it is done with visual basic 6 and VLC media player 2.0.5 and format factory 3.1.1, the result is compared with work "play a sound file in visual basic 6" the second work deal with English letters and numbers learning only. This paper works with English and Arabic letters and numbers and has more sound capabilities. (Published Abstract)

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Noori, Amani Y.. (2018). Designing an early childhood education (ECE) program for preschooler using visual basic 6 . Journal of the College of Basic Education. Vol. 24, No. 101 Scientific, 2018. pp. 31-40 Retrieved from