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Teachers’ use of technology in science supports student knowledge

Type Article
Author Fakherji, Wail Zain. PhD, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Mississippi State, Mississippi.
Pages pp 135-158
Host Item Entry Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology. Vol. 5, no. 1, January 2019
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Teachers  -  Educational technology  -  Science  -  Students  -  Knowledge
Language of document English
Country Egypt
The phenomenon of technology-enhanced impact on teaching science is explored in this proposal with the goal of addressing the need to foster student understanding through the use of technology. The findings of this research; based on analysis of data from surveys undertaken by teachers and students, are a vivid indication that despite the high cost that accompanies implementation of technology in teaching and learning science through acquisition of hardware and training, there is consensual benefit in terms of increased discernment and ease of scientific knowledge delivery derived from the use of technology. As such, this proposal affirms the need for the incorporation of technology in teaching and learning science as a suitable way of enhancing the delivery of scientific information and concepts, as well as, improving understanding among students. (Published abstract)

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Fakherji, Wail Zain. (2019). Teachers’ use of technology in science supports student knowledge . Journal of Research in Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Technology. Vol. 5, no. 1, January 2019. pp 135-158 Retrieved from