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Content-based instruction – learning : a rewarding investment in the interrelated triangle of language, literature and culture

Type Article
Author Jaber, Inam Najim. Department of English, College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad
Varying form of title تدريس اللغة وتعلمها الذي يقوم على المحتوى :استثمار مفيد في مثلث اللغة والأدب والثقافة المترابطة فيما بينها [مقال]
Pages pp. 1-18
Host Item Entry Al-Fatih Journal. Vol. 14, no. 73, 2018
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Language instruction  -  Teaching methods  -  Content analysis  -  Culture  -  Literature
Language of document English
Country Iraq
The study aims to explain how essential is content-based instruction in teaching-learning English as a foreign language. Supported by examples from local and non-local actual learning environment, the researcher argues that content-based instruction can be vitally effective in teaching-learning English. The content-based instruction theory adopted in English language teaching (ELT) class looks at language as a living entity, not mere words, as a reservoir of man’s experiences, history and values represented aesthetically in literature. This is the premise on which the content-based instruction rests. The environment of (ELT) invites the learners not to wrestling with grammatical rules in isolation of contextualized situations. Rather, it introduces them with authentic material - language as it is actually used. The content (text + context) can ensure a pleasurable interaction between the learner and the target language. Examples of integrating literature were presented by the researcher as good media for (ELT) in her Translation Class. The end result was surprising: an environment that ensured enjoyment, motivation and critical thinking not to mention a good intercultural interaction between the source language (Arabic) and the target language (English), a factor necessary to assimilate English as a foreign language. (Published Abstract)

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Jaber, Inam Najim. (2018). Content-based instruction – learning : a rewarding investment in the interrelated triangle of language, literature and culture. Al-Fatih Journal. Vol. 14, no. 73, 2018. pp. 1-18 Retrieved from