AU - السعايدة، مهى حامد AU - زيتون، عايش محمود AU - القادري، سليمان أحمد AU - الدولات، عدنان AU - البشايرة، زيد علي AB - The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a teaching strategy based on sociology of science as human enterprise on the acquisition of life skills and social implications of science according to formal thinking among basic stage students. The subjects of the study sample were chosen purposefully from the students of ninth grade that were selected from Aira Secondary School for Girls within the education directorate in Assalt area / Al Balqa governorate whom were divided randomly into two groups: experimental group students whom were taught by the strategy based on sociology of science as human enterprise and the control group whom were taught by the regular strategy. Three tools have been applied for the study, namely: the test of life skills, the test of social implication of science and the test of formal thinking. And the two-way analysis ANCOVA (2x2) was used to answer questions study and test the null hypotheses of study. The study revealed the following results: students performed better with a teaching strategy based on sociology of science as human enterprise over that of the regular strategy on the acquisition of life skills and social implication of science and explained (% 29.38), (%36.97) respectively of variance in the dependent variables. And the results showed that there was a significant statistical difference in the acquisition of life skills and social implication of science attributed to formal thinking. And results did not show any a significant statistical effect attributed to the interaction between a teaching strategy and formal thinking on the acquisition of life skills among the subjects of the study. While results showed a significant statistical effect attributed to the interaction between a teaching strategy and formal thinking on the acquisition of social implication of science. Due to these results; this study recommended adopting a teaching strategy based on sociology of science as human enterprise in science teaching due to their effect on the acquisition of life skills and social implication of science among basic stage female students. (Author's abstract) OP - أ-ي، 235 ص. T1 - أثر استراتيجية تدريسية مستندة إلى سوسيولوجية العلم كمسعى إنساني في اكتساب المهارات الحياتية والمضامين الاجتماعية للعلم وفق التفكير الشكلي لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - الصفحات الاولى من الدراسة (PDF) 5