AU - حمودي، لمى سمير AB - The research problem arising from the necessity for using methods work to motivate the learner and make him the center in the educational process and to be away from the traditional methods of the collective work to know how to deal with others and to avoid from the positive individual values based on selfish and arrogance and others, also the researcher finds the necessity to pay attention by knowledge styles the learners possess to recognize their abilities and personal characteristics and to observe this when testing the educational style, based on this the researcher used the cooperative learning method to know his effect in developing the interpersonal intelligence and in learning the preparation, reception and sending of volley ball, beside its role for the risk of cognitive style against caution. And the research aiming at: 1) To recognize the effect The effect of cooperative learning for the risk of cognitive style against caution in developing the interpersonal intelligence. 2) To recognize the effect of for the risk of cognitive style against caution in developing the interpersonal intelligence and learn the skills of preparation, reception and sending of volley ball. 3) To recognize the best of the four groups (the risk by followed method, the risk by cooperative learning method, cautious by followed method, caution by cooperative learning method) in developing the interpersonal intelligence and learning the skills of preparation, reception and sending of volley ball. And the researcher pursued the following procedures: 1) Using the trail procedure of the bi coefficient design(2x2) on a sample of she/ pupils of second stage in physical education college-Baghdad-university amounted(27) of the risk and (27) of cautious distributed on two groups the controlled and the trial. 2) Using the criteria and the tests (the risk against the caution, the interpersonal intelligence, the preparation, the sending and receiving). 3) After performing the pre-tests for the four groups, the educational procedure was implemented (the cooperative learning method for the trail group, the followed method for the controlling group) then performing the after tests. The researcher has reached a lot of conclusions most important of which are: 1) The cooperative learning method and the followed are considered effective in developing the research changes. 2) Using the cooperative learning method for the risk against the caution has an effective and great role in learning the skills of preparation, receiving and sending the volley ball more than the followed method. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 183-208 T1 - تأثير استخدام التعلم التعاوني لذوي الأسلوب المعرفي المجازفة مقابل الحذر في تنمية الذكاء البينشخصي (الاجتماعي) وتعلم مهارتي الإعداد واستقبال الإرسال بالكرة الطائرة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1