AU - Lanane, Massika AB - In order to promote the scientific commitment since September2004, in a world process of higher education system reform, because of dysfunction of the classical system which survived since 2003, to give birth to a new system put in exchange and human mobility in all levels. Our country practiced few time ago. The university of Bejaia is one among the first universities that adapted this new system. This leads us to be interested in the theme of the new system face to scientific research ,and to ask the following questions: has the classical system failed in its mission of scientific development to call for a new one ? Is the new system capable of creating a better scientific development. (Author's abstract) ID - 127504 OP - pp. 1-130 PB - Algeria European University Editions 2018 PP - Algeria European University Editions 2018 T1 - Comparative study of two higher education systems (Classical and LMD) : Algeria face to scientific development : case of the university of BĂ©jaia [Chapter] UL - 1 Full text (PDF) YR - Algeria European University Editions 2018