متغيرات الدافعية ونمط العزو السببي لدى الطلبة المتفوقين تحصيليا وذوي التفريط التحصيلي بكلية التربية، جامعة الملك فيصل


This study aimed to identify the differences among students (academic superiority, normal, and academic superiority with underachievement) in their motivation for achievement, and to investigate the direction of causal attribution for academic achievement. The study also, aimed to identify the differences among means score of students in the causal attribution questionnaire. The researchers used the comparative descriptive approach as its suitability to achieve these objectives. The sample consisted of (179) male and female Bachelor students at College of Education, King Faisal University in Alhasa. The researchers used motivation achievement scale prepared by (Midgely et, al, 1998), translated by (Alhosainy, 2001), and the causal attribution questionnaire prepared by (Gonaim, 2006) after verifying the psychometric characteristics. The results showed that there were significant differences among the means scores of students in the motivation achievement scale. There were significant differences between academic superiority, and academic superiority with underachievement in the tow variables (interior/ exterior) of the causal attribution questionnaire, and there were significant differences among the means scores of the three samples of students in the causal attribution questionnaire. In the light of the results, some recommendations were suggested. (Published abstract)