القيم الإقتصادية والسلوك الإستهلاكي لدى بعض الأطفال المعاقين عقليا القابلين للتعليم وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية لديهم


The study aims to study the economic values and consumption behavior of educable mental retarded children and their relationship to (gender- economic and social standard- education level). This is applied on a sample of (10) mentally disabled from government Assiut. The smartness level and age should be in range of (55-69) on Raven’s colored progressive matrices test for children and adults (prepared by: Emad Ahmed Hassan 2016), and their ages between (12-16 years) from thinking education school in Assiut governorate, from the average and low economic and social level. The study instruments were the socio- economic status scale (preparing by: Abd Elaziz El Shakhas 2013), Raven colored progressive matrices test for children and adults (prepared by: Emad Ahmed Hassan 2016). Economic values scale for mentally disabled children (prepared by: researcher), consumption behavior scale for mentally disabled children (prepared by: researcher). The researcher used Mann-Whitney test for individual samples to signify the differences between the degrees level grades on economic values scale for mentally disabled children relationship to (gender- economic and social standard- education level), and to signifying the differences between the degrees level grades on consumption behavior scale for mentally disabled children relationship to (gender- economic and social standard- education level). The present study has viewed the following result: study sample children achieved low level on economic values scale and its sub dimensions, and all of consumption behavior scale and its sub dimensions except there is a statistically significant positive relationship between economic activity value dimensions on of values economic scale and children personal money dimension of consumption behavior scale on level (0.05). There is no statistically significant differences between the average of children degree level sample of the study on economic values scale for mentally disabled children and its sub dimensions for (gender- economic and social standard- education level), there is no statistically significant differences between the average of children degree level sample of the study consumption behavior scale for mentally disabled children and its sub dimensions for (gender- economic and social standard- education level). (Published abstract)