التدخل السلوكي المعرفي العقلاني في الحد من السلوكيات غير السوية لدى الأطفال


The current research aimed to develop a rational cognitive behavioral treatment program to address abnormal behaviors in children by modifying thinking errors, detailing professional practice in facilitating the use of technicians, specialists and others to apply therapeutic programs in a coherent manner. The researcher followed the descriptive approach to describe and employ psychological, social and educational treatment techniques through multiple theories and integrate them into treatment programs suitable for wrong behaviors and treat them according to the various age stages Where this research is considered from research with scientific theoretical frameworks to put scientific programs into practice. The research found that the overlap between therapeutic theories contributes to building treatment programs that are applicable to children with abnormal and repetitive behaviors, and a rational cognitive behavioral program has been reached to treat abnormal behaviors, as the treatment program relied on building from the techniques of professional practice in amending and correcting errors thinking, which is applied in a collective way. (Published Abstract)