الإتصال الخرائطي : دراسة كارتوجرافية تحليلية لخرائط رسائل الماجستير بقسم الجغرافيا- جامعة تعز وعدد من الجامعات العربية


The study aims to determine the conditions that must be met in the title and legend of the map, which can be followed when drawing the scientific geographical map with the aim of visual communication of the map content, and trying to reveal the extent of researchers commitment to these standards and conditions. The study depended on some methods such as the thematic method and the analytical cartographic method in analyzing 303 maps of master’s theses in the Department of Geography at Taiz University and a number of Arab universities in Egypt, Iraq and Palestine during the period from 2010 to 2019.The study found that the location of the maps titles under study varied by universities and most of the maps titles outside it, and not writing the year for temporal human or physical geographical phenomena, The title of the map is not clear in terms of font size and thickness compared to the writing inside the map, Also there are many maps were unsuccessful in choosing the appropriate way to display data, It turned out that there are symbols inside the maps that are not represented in their Legends (it included 43% of the study maps), As well a third of the maps that used colors to represent the geographical cadastral phenomena it did not match internationally recognized colors. (Published abstract)