تأثير العوامل المعرفية وطرق الدراسة في وقوع الطلبة تحت الملاحظة الأكاديمية على طلبة جامعة السلطان قابوس : دراسة ميدانية


This study seeks to examine the cognitive factors related to university policies and learning habits and their effect on students’ falling under probation at Sultan Qaboos University. The study was carried out on a sample of 619 students falling on probation. An online questionnaire was used to collect data and a descriptive-analytical approach was employed to analyze the data. Results showed a certain lack in students’ knowledge of the laws and rules organizing their university life. The main reasons for falling on probation are related to the inappropriate learning habits, the inability of students to manage time, concentrate and understand lectures, in addition to the short time devoted to studying. Results also pointed out that no important statistical differences were found for most of the variables that are related to learning habits and cognitive factors, except for the variables related to the number of hours students spend in studying, the issue of following the study plan when registering courses and the adequate knowledge of university policies and bylaws regarding probation, depending on the variables of gender and college. (Published abstract)