أثر التكامل بين الكتاب الإلكتروني والكتاب الورقي في تحصيل طلبة قسم علوم الحياة لمادة الحاسبات وحاجتهم الى المعرفة


This research aims to reveal the impact of the integration between e-book and paper book in the achievement of the students of the department of life sciences for the subject of computers and their need for knowledge, and was taught the vocabulary of computer courses scheduled for the first grades in Iraqi university colleges for the academic year (2018-2019) for the first experimental group Using the paper book only, for the second experimental group using the e-book only, and for the third experimental group using the paper and electronic book together. The researchers have prepared the requirements of the experiment (derivation of behavioral goals, and write the teaching plans for the three groups), and was adopted a ready e-book after confirming its validity. The researchers prepared a 35-paragraph achievement test and confirmed its psychometric properties, and adopted a ready scale to measure the need for knowledge. The practical experience lasted five months, after which the achievement test and the need for knowledge scale were applied to the students of the three groups at the same time. The results of the experiment showed statistically significant differences in the average scores of achievement test and the need for knowledge in favor of the third group. In the light of the research results, the researchers presented some recommendations and suggestions. (Published abstract)