دور معلمي الدراسات الاجتماعية في تنمية القيم الأسرية لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية العليا في الأردن


The aimed of this study was to identify the role of teachers of social Studies in the development of family values among students at the higher basic level in Jordan, and to identify the impact of independent variables of sex, specialization, scientific qualification and experience in the role of teachers of social Studies in the development of family values in their students The highest basic stage in Jordan, Where the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach,the study community may be of all the teachers studying social studies (history, geography, civic education) of the students of the higher basic stage of the Education Directorate for the Brigade of Outskirt al-Mafraq for the school year 2017/ 2018, the study sample consisted of social studies teachers in the Education Directorate of the Brigade al-Mafraq (85), of whom 44 were teachers and 41 were female, and the researcher prepared a resolution of 31 paragraphs.The results of the study showed the solutions to the paragraph, which read: "Urge the parents to ask them to do so" in the first place, while the paragraph that reads "urges them to visit patients" is in the final position, as the results of the study show that there are statistically significant differences (A=0.05) due to the impact Sex, the differences were in favour of females, and there were statistically significant differences (a=0.05) between the variables of the scientific qualification, the differences came in favor of a higher diploma degree, and there were statistically significant differences (a=0.05) between the variables of years of experience, the differences came in favor of the most experienced (11 years and over) and showed The results also have statistically significant differences (a= 0.05) between the branches of the specialization variable (history, geography, etc.), the differences in favour of history, and the researcher has made a series of recommendations, including increasing teachers ' interest in family values, so that they are entrenched in the minds of learners. (Author’s abstract)