تصور مقترح لتضمين التربية الإسلامية في مراحل التعليم العام في المملكة العربية السعودية

The objective of the present research is to reach at a proposal to include media education in the stages of general education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After using the analytical descriptive approach. The study concluded that: media education can contribute effectively in achieving the educational goals of the students of this stage through the appropriate information, knowledge and values contained in it and directed to them at this stage, which lead to the development of the ethics awareness of media work, and instill the sound critical sense, which makes them having the ability to distinguish between good and bad through the disappeared media inside or outside the school in order to preserve the cultural identity. And finally a proposal to include media education in the general education stage in Saudi Arabia was set up, so as to enable students to deal positively with the media messages in its various forms through the correct reading, critical thinking and canalizing its implications and then taking appropriate decisions on them by monitoring the negative messages and preventing their impacts and enhancing the impacts of the positive messages. (Published Abstract)