أثر برنامج مقترح في تدريس الجغرافيا على تنمية مهارة قراءة الخريطة ومهارات الذكاء المكاني لدى طلاب الصف الثامن الأساسي


The study aimed to identify the effect of a proposed program in teaching geography on developing the skill of map reading and spatial intelligence skills among eighth graders. Two researchers used the experimental approach based on a two-group design with a pre and a post test. The sample of the consisted of the study was chosen intentionally and consisted of 70 eighth graders divided into two groups; the experimental group consisting of 35 students taught geography using the proposed program, and a control group consisting of 35 students taught geography using the conventional method. The two researches prepared a map reading skills test, which consisted of 30 items and a spatial intelligence skills test, which consisted of 30 items and the tests were applied on study sample. After statistical processes the findings of the research were that there is significant statistically differences at the level of α=0.01 between the mean scores of the experimental group and those of the control group in the post-test in the skill of map reading in favor of the experimental group, and there is also a significant statistically differences at the level of α=0.01. (Published Abstract)