أثر استخدام نموذج بوسنر من خلال الكمبيوتر في تصويب بعض المفاهيم العلمية الخاطئة والتفكير العلمي لدى طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي بالمملكة العربية السعودية

The research aims to identify the impact of using a Posner model through computer to correct some misconception, scientific thinking in the ten grade’s students in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve this, the researcher prepared a student book, teacher’s guide to teach the scientific concepts that are included in unit’s subject and tests of scientific thinking, scientific concepts. A sample of the study research was chosen consists of 92 students in grade ten and the students were divided into two groups: the control group that was taught through using the usual method, and the experimental group that was taught the same unit through using a suggested program. At the end of teaching this unit, the researcher applied evaluation measures on the two groups that showed the superiority of the experimental group in developing scientific concepts, scientific thinking, in the ten grade’s students in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (Published Abstract)