تقييم أهمية الأهداف التربوية المختلفة للإلتحاق بتخصص الهندسة الكهربائية في الجامعة الإسلامية : دراسة مقارنة لآراء الطلاب والمدرسين والآباء

Educational institutions play an important role in preparing students to serve their society and in order to be able to prepare them properly, it is necessary to identify the desired goals in order to prepare the graduate to be a constructive element in his society. The aim of this study is to compare the opinions of second-year students with the engineering of electricity specialization, parents' opinions and the views of the faculty members regarding the importance of the various educational objectives of the electrical engineering department at the Islamic University. This study may be different from the others. Where the study society was 41 students from second year students from the electrical engineering department at the Islamic University in Gaza and their parents (42) and faculty members (17). All members of the community were contacted for a small number, but the questionnaire was retrieved from 17 students, 10 female students, 34 parents and 5 teaching staff members. The following statistical methods were used: frequency and percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative weight, correlation coefficient, Alpha Cronbach test, and use of independent testing to compare student and faculty responses with faculty members and parents. The dual-use test was used to compare student responses with their parents. Studies indicate that there are no significant differences between the views of different groups in the educational objectives of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at the Islamic University. (Published Abstract)