مدى فاعلية استخدام تكنولوجيا التعليم بكليات التربية السودانية : دراسة ميدانية بكليات التربية بولاية الخرطوم


This research is about the effectiveness of using educational technology in Sudanese faculties of education. The statement of the problem emerged from the real state of using educational technology in Sudanese faculties of education and the future vision for its development. The study is significant as it connects University teaching staff with the changes in the contemporary world. It also spread education communication technology culture to equip the teacher with the basic competencies of using education communication technology in faculties of education. Also in order to use education communication technology in teaching to contribute in the development of teaching and learning processes in Sudanese faculties of education. This study may become a point of development for other studies in the field for researchers in scientific research. The study aimed to identify the significance of using educational technology in Sudanese faculties of education, also to identify using educational technology in Sudanese faculties of education, for skill objectives. In addition to know whether educational devices are available and are used in Sudanese faculties of education. Moreover, the study aimed to know the criteria upon which choosing the syllabuses of educational technology are not use in Sudanese faculties of education. The study adopted the descriptive analytical method. The study population comprised of educational departments teaching staff and educational technology experts in faculties of education in four universities (Khartoum, Omdurman Islamic, Sudan for Science & Technology, and Al Zaeem Al Azhari University). Educational departments teaching staffs were 300 while educational technology experts were 100- 200 participants, they were selected from each group reached to 200 participants, representing the sample for the study. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, to explore the opinions of teaching staff in faculties of education on the effectiveness of using educational technology and to develop its using. The study come to a number of findings; the most important are: Using educational technology in Sudanese faculties of education achieves the educational goals and behavioral objectives, helps to develop competency for universities professors and help them to know the educational techniques and keep up to date with modern trends. It also helps the professors to use in teaching students and to help the students to realize the most use of modern educational techniques. It equips teaching staff with a background in educational design. The content of educational technology syllabuses takes into account cognitive, spiritual and skill objectives. The content also explains the modern trends in education. The study also showed that teaching staff members are not trained on using instructional technology, faculties of education do not provide technician to operate and repair technology devices. There are no well-equipped laboratories in faculties of education. Also capabilities are insufficient to produce instructional aides and there is lack of cultural relationship with educational technology resources centers with developed countries. In addition, the specified time is insufficient to teach the syllabuses, and university professors are unwilling to use modern devices in teaching. The study recommends that, teaching staff are necessary to be trained on using instructional technology with its different types. Instructional technology devices should be made available in faculties of education. Technicians should be nominated to prepare and repair instructional devices, and laboratories and instructional devices should also be made available, in addition, to hold workshops, symposiums, conferences, concerning in the educational scientific technology. (Author’s abstract)