دراسة تقويمية لبرامج تدريب المعلمين في استخدام التعليم الالكتروني في المرحلة الثانوية بمحلية جبل أولياء


The main aim of this study is to know about efficiency of teacher’s training Programs to use Electronic Education in secondary stage, the case study is Jabil Awlia locality, at Khartoum state. To do this the researcher, followed the descriptive method, and used questionnaire, meets, and anytytical of content of training plan 2013 year, and also used analytical statistical de¬scriptive methods, (Statistic packages for social sciences (spss)), for ex¬plaining the responses of research sample to questionnaire restatements. The important results were: timing is suitable for application of programs, the content is accruing the aims of training programs, and some problems cause inefficiency of apply training programs of Electronic Learning. Moreover, the most important recommendation of this study were: the necessity to make aspirated plan for teachers training programs, to use Electronic education to realize its purposes and the purposes of secondary stages, using methods of self-evaluation to in- service training teacher, up on their work -teacher must evaluate the programs scientifically. Using of self-learning methods in the field of teachers training during the in- service time. (Author’s abstract)