وسائل الاعلام الفلسطيني وأثرها في الانقسام السياسي 2006-2009م : دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة جامعات قطاع غزة


This study is an example of the linkage between media, and politics, where it addresses an aspect of political communication between the formal and informal political institutions on the one hand, and the public on the other The main objective of the study is to reveal the true role and message of the Palestinian media before and during the rupture (2007) between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and the impact it has had on the views of a sample of four university students in the Gaza Strip. The study is based on the analyses and description of the sample respondents' to a questionnaire which might reveal their views and measure their level of trust in the Palestinian media during and after the separation phase. The study is divided into two sections: the first is theoretical and the other is analytical of the questionnaire's respondents. The theoretical framework tries to shed a light upon the origins and evolution of the Palestinian media: audio, visual, printed, and electronic and their role in the political crisis. The study has a set of conclusions and recommendation. Conclusions: 1) A factious nature characterized the Palestinian media by abandoning objectivity, especially after the Palestinian legislative elections in the year 2006. 2) The transition of the propagandistic media which prepared for the state of social division. 3) The Improvisation and the lack of conscious media planning doubled the rift and division of Palestinian society. 4) The conditioned financial support of media institutions led to a deviation from its national message. 5) The negative performance for the media during that period led to a loss of credibility of that media. 6) The multiplicity of trends within the Palestinian society was reflected on the Palestinian media body. 7) There was no doubt that the media Culture was a partisan political and not a national political one. (Published abstract)